Saturday 30 December 2017

“The Temptation to Quit Will Be Greatest Just Before You’re About to Succeed” ~ The Birth of Our Daughter

If you’d have asked me a couple of years ago if I would have a daughter by the close of 2017. I’d laugh in your face and tell you to quite simply feck off! But obviously things change and that is not the case anymore.

On the evening of 27th December 2017 at 6:13pm, we welcomed the greatest belated Christmas gift into our life- a baby... our daughter Freya Pamela McClelland-Worrall. As you read on, I will quite simply tell you my birthing story and how it’s been having a newborn 8 days in!

On Boxing Day, we planned to go to Jake’s mums and dads for a nice home buffet and catch up with the family, to follow... a loveeeeeely sleep in our bedroom to be. Did this happen? Absolutely not! After some great food, I felt fine, no niggles, no pains, no discomforts. We all laughed when Jakes sisters said,

“Nicole, have you not brought your green notes or hospital bags?!”
“No, no. This little one isn’t going to vacate just yet. I think she’ll go over her due date for sure. She’s way too comfy.”

However, something in my mind made Jake go home and get them. He was working 10am till finish (anywhere between 2 finish the next morning, he’d worked all Christmas). The plan was (I can tell you lot, because he’s officially left that job now and they treated him like shite, so I really don’t feel bad because the irony and tempting fate is what made our birthing story) to ring his workplace and say something wasn’t quite right and I needed him home to go to the hospital. Obviously at that moment in time. Nothing was out of the norm. I was fine. I just wanted my to spend some quality time with partner and his family.  They let him go and he drove up to his moms. 

After a lovely evening with the family and saying goodbye to everyone and eating all the salad bowl. I went to the loo. Only to wipe and find a mucus, blood stained bit of toilet paper... and the start of some dull period like pains. Which seemed to follow quite sporadically. 

I literally opened the door with my knickers down and screamed “DIANNNNNNNNE!” 

She came to the rescue and we both confirmed it was likely to be the bloody show. But I was reassured through reading online, that yes it meant labour was on its way, but it could still be days. With that, I went upstairs to let the reality settle in. Thinking ooo, I still have a couple of days... WRONG! 

The pains intensified and became more frequent. My bowels emptied like I’d just had some major banging curry! I was in a state of panic. After all. I was in Tamworth, possibly in slow labour and to top it off, upon ringing my mum she confirmed the snow was back to Coventry. I just sat there contemplating my whole life. Then I decided to ring the Lucina Birthing Ward of which I planned to have my baby in and that took all of three phone calls back before I was told I had to get back to Coventry. If I could, get my hospital bags from my flat and head straight over. 

Upon arrival I was allowed to be wheeled through, which nearly ended badly when Jake underestimated how hard it was to manovour and nearly squatted me like a fly against one of the double fire doors! I was placed into my room at around 10pm, not knowing what was about to come in the next 21 hours. 

Shortly after my mum and Lizzy arrived. All of our main concerns were that I was going to be sent home. Just to have to get a taxi later on down the line in the pouring down snow. Which I most definitely did not want to do. Neither me and Jake drove. Ultimately, if it did happen I was going go leave my bags and just go to mums where I’d wait it out and kindly ask Lizzy to stay and be our taxi. Lone and behold, my internal revealed that I was 2cm dilated! My mum expressed that due to the weather, the health and safety of going home with the way the snow was falling could potentially put all of us and her to be granddaughters lives on the line. After all, Lizzy’s car is no 4x4 (sorry Wizzy. Your chevy to the levy is still ace tho!) and I didn’t want to put the pressure on her so late at night either. 

As it stood, the midwife calmly explained she wasn’t going to send me home anyway. (But I think the weather was the main reason behind this!). After that, my mother in law left so she could have a better shot at getting home to Tamworth safely. Which she did. Not long after this, mum and Lizzy left too. Primarily just to give me and Jake some space and time to take in the environment and what was inevitably going to come out of my vagina. The midwifes said they’d call if anything went wrong and settled on a 6-7cm dilation call to get their arses back to the ward. 

Before I knew it, I was 5cm dilated. I’d had no pain relief whatsoever until about what I can only guess was around 4cm. At 5, it was agreed that I could start chugging the gas and air (on tap! Whey!) when I felt a contraction. The pains were starting to get sharp, obviously closer and the ache in my lower back was making an incredible appearance. Jake was fantastic. But then took a funny turn himself. After all he’d worked all Christmas 14+ hours to survive on around 5 hours sleep he had to go back to work on Boxing Day for 10am. So technically he was more exhausted then me (even though not in labour). Granted he didn’t really have that much to eat. At one stage (me being slightly high on gas and air) and asking to have pethadine, I recall him not even being able to stand to go get himself to the toilet. He was that faint! The midwives were so good. They made him toast, got him another bean bag so he could lie next to me and even offered for him to pee in a bottle because they were that concerned he was going to pass out. I did not need that. 

I assume at this point, the ward called my mum back because before I knew it, her and Lizzy came through the door. Mum demanded Lizzy take Jake to get a sandwich and some sort of sugary drink. It was here that a urine sample revealed that I had a certain amount of ketones in my body. Basically I hadn’t eaten adequately either. (It didn’t help, I suppose that I had actually sicked up all that lovely buffet food from just hours before... after getting in the en suite shower to stick it on my belly to ease the pain while the birthing pool was filling). Ketones in my urine basically relayed the biology that my body was now chomping away at my body fat to gain energy and not rightfully the energy gained from any food storage. Greatttttt. Yup. I was also quite dehydrated too. Which doubly didn’t help. 

From this point, I was having bananas thrown at my (not literally), toast, jelly babies, celebration chocolates, orange juice and lucazade to restore my depleted energy and fluid levels. When you fighting through the pain of each indiviadual contraction... eating and drinking sugary stuff is the last thing on your mind. I tell you that now!!! I’d can quite simply compare it to that of a Marathon, when running Hull after 15 miles my body just couldn’t bare a sis energy gel or anymore sugar, even though i knew it was vital in keeping me going. 

After a long stint and getting sick of people telling me, “just breathe. Deep in, deep out” I started to gain some kind of sober ness from the drugs. I’d been in and out the pool for about an hour. My midwife was changed from the lovely Wendy to the vibrant Zoe. I was checked internally to conclude I was 7cm dilated. I was this for what seemed an eternity, I can only guestimate. You get an internal ever 4 hours. I had two and I was still the same. So effectively I was the same in dialation for 4, maybe + hours. My waters still very much in tact. My cervix and membranes were described very thin. Freya just wouldn’t go down any further. The decision to rupture my waters artificially was then the answer, for hope it would speed things up. Then I was told I needed a catheter to drain my bladder. Again, being honest here. As I do. When you’ve got a baby traveling down the vaginal canal, as well as a catheter going into your pee hole it really is far from flattering. I was not on cloud 9 at all. But after being drained, I milked 800ml of fluid that was two wee/ sick hospital bowls. I honestly couldn’t believe it. Norbcould the nurses or my entourage. 

After this, I went into full dilation within the hour. So it could be suggested that because my bladder was so full with crap. It was restricting Freya’s head from traveling down any further! 

It was here that the fun and games started. I was fully dilated and that exhausted in between contractions I was beginning to fall asleep! To the extent that the midwife was like. I’ve never seen this before. Nope. Time to start moving positions. Off your back. Stand up or on all fours. That’s your only options. I was on all fours screaming in the constant pain. Ushers “Let It Burn” was indescribably relevant if you ask me. The pressure was so intense. My downstairs was actually on fire, everytime I had a contraction I was nearly crawling up the walls. But this was bad. I myself, was restricting our daughter from coming into this world. But it is a natural reaction, in my defence  to tense up when you’re in pain. I just couldn’t. I was giving up. I just wanted it all to be over. But then I had to reason myself with reality. This baby had to come out one way, and one way only. It was a one way exit. 

Through my burning ninny hole. 

I don’t know what come over me. Maybe it was mum getting angry, calling me a pussy to try and stimulate the anger in me to start pushing more aggressively, maybe it was the fact I’d reasoned with the above, but most importantly- as soon as the midwife said I was now potentially putting my baby’s life at risk by not getting her out ASAP, I stood up. Held onto the birthing bath handles and bared down like tone of bricks. The stinging intensifying as my lemon was being forced open by a melon. Then I herd everyone say. 

“She’s crowning, Coley come on she’s almost here with us” 

That was it. 4 pushes and my little baby dropped out. Quite frankly like a sack of potatoes and resembling that of one too. Aha. No I joke. Zoe caught Freya and slid her through my legs, but she was so slippery to the point where Mum and Jake had to help too. She was passed through my legs into my hands strapped to her seat belt- I.e the umbilical cord. Which wasn’t that long. I took one look at her and instantly feel in love. Words cannot explain the feeling. It’s not like a love for a partner, it’s something far greater, something uniquely particular. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. 

The instant relief of her crying was most satisfying. It most definitely still is not the case 8 days later. I kept looking down whilst waddling with my hands between my legs like a ape to the bean bag to get some skin to skin contact, my beautiful daughter was here in my arms. It still didn’t feel quite real. The room - a blood bath (again. I’m an honest person!) it was like horrific horror scene from Saw, I shit you not! Jake was crying, I was too (he’d been crying almost an hour before she was here! Bless him. He’s very sensitive). It was a feeling of pure euphoria

The afterbirth... can I say...birthed?! With the help of the injection and a tug (I know more of the vile truth!) from Zoe. It was slightly revolting. But looking beyond that. That was where my tiny human lived for 9 months, grew and fed to from a spermy cell embryo seahorse to a 6lbs 15 ounces strong humanoid. So if you ask me. That is utterly amazing. 

I tried to breast feed. She latched for all of 3 minutes. Ewwww. The suck of her tiny gums were so strong. But after this she just couldn’t get back on. You know they say in labour you lose all dignity. It is most true. I was naked with strangers putting fingers here there and everywhere. I was naked in front of my mum, partner and our best friend Lizzy with a lot of water,blood and all sorts constantly leaking from my foofe, but when your mum is standing over you with your partner opposit trying to ‘stimulate’ your nip nips. That’s when the awkwardness sets in and it got a bit too much. So we settled with bottle feeding. Haha. Oo and for the record. I didn’t shit myself. Result!! Well if I did. The midwives didn’t tell me. 

I was stitched up, as she tore me when going through the exit. That again was fairly painful in parts. Even with the numbing injection. But it was fine. Honestly. This was my biggest fear, believe it or not, even boardered with the fear of contraction pain. Having a tear or an episiotomy. But no. It’s absolutely fine guys. I also had another catheter shoved up there , which they had to they had to monitor my wee wee until I was formally discharged. 

Everyone laughed as a sucked on more gas and air and shouted out that my vagina was now a guitar with the stitches. The standard. “Can you put an extra couple in their love?” Was made. I was finally able to shower away the intensities of my labour. It was fab. I got into bed. Didn’t really sleep, for the anxiety was setting in. Little did I know the intense reality of parenthood was about to come. 

We were discharged at around 10:30am the next day. She slept great. Exhausted from the birth. The intense anxiety was almost immediate as soon as we left the hospital doors. But again I was still on an intense high. 

It has now been 8 days. Parenthood is most definitely harder than a marathon! No seriously, a marathon is a walk (all be it. A very bloody painful, hard walk) in the park. It’s blummin hard, and I really feel for the mums who give birth to their children and have no family support or no partner. Jake has been fantastic. My mum- incredible. Our family and friends have been a Godsend. Everyone who’s seen her has said how much of a beauty she is. I’m not going to lie, I’ve cried more than I have in the entirety of 2017. My hormones feel like they will be the death of me! I’ve got angry to the point where I want to post her back 1st class delivery. Not shouty or punch things angry. Like why did I kid myself into beliving I could do this? Kind of angry. Both me and Jake have exchanged words, nothing drastic like. Just when she’s been screaming all night and won’t settle and we’re both exceedingly sleep deprieved. But I still love him with all my heart. People say it gets easier... is this like when they’re 18-20 and go off to uni or move out?! But all the same. I do not regret my decision to keep this little lady all those months ago. Even when she’s up all night long screaming her tiny lungs to her hearts content. 

For now, I look forward to getting fully healed and most of all starting to run again!!! My postpartum tummy, another worry of mine has coped very well, no stretch marks apart from my love handles. I can see that as soon as I start to exercise it should all go back into place and tighten up. The line is still there from my bump through my belly button. But that fades they say. 

There you are. That is my birthing story. No beating around the bush. I hope I haven’t grossed you out too much or put some of you off becoming potential parents. It is hard. But an exhilarating experienced and very worth it. However, I will not be having another anytime soon. 

Wednesday 20 December 2017

#PregnantNotPowerless- Update Since My Last Post Since Announcing My Pregnancy!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been quite busy trying to adapt to this mum to be mumbo jumbo.

Since I left you in June, when I was 12 weeks pregnant (I'm now currently 37 weeks+1) a lot has happened to say the least, that is just over 5 months of living! Don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with my life story and every intricate detail of whats happened, because quite frankly, I cannot remember what I did yesterday, never mind 5 months ago- BABY BRAIN ALERT! I'm just going to update you on the changes I've experienced since becoming pregnant and my (lack of) running.  

I can start off by saying, I've went from having a nice hourglass figure to an elephant one! I don't think I'm waddling like a penguin that much, no swollen cankles either. I've still been able to tie my shoe laces, but I must admit, its getting slightly more difficult now. But all in all, I have had such a great pregnancy experience. My body has adapted so well to meet the demands of pregnancy, I've been able to sustain some sort of active lifestyle, (not like the ones these incredible women I follow on Insta, still squatting 30kg, running 3 miles a day- I wish I could do that, but for me that's more of an aspiration than a reality). I have continued cycling, swimming, running, (exceedingly short, and somewhat embarrassing distances in an irregular pattern). I have been managing to exceed 10,000 steps on a typical day, maybe the exceptions of my days off. Yes, I have been tired- but that's to be expected. As you can tell, I have started to use the hashtag #pregnantnotpowerless.

So it begins... I was sick badly once when I attended the Wolf Run back in June, but I think that was either too much chicken or a dodgy burger van at the event. The next one, I basically threw up an orange after having a bad case of the flu... making me bed ridden for 4 days. I'd honestly say that's the worst illness I've had since becoming pregnant. Actually... scrap that, the only one burden of my pregnancy would be my heightened RLS, short for Restless Leg Syndrome. Certain members of my family on my mums side get it. A simple explanation to this would be:

"a condition in which you have an uncontrollable urge to move your legs, usually due to leg discomfort. It typically happens in the evenings or nights while you're sitting or lying down. Moving eases the unpleasant feeling temporarily."

It's not painful, but its annoying as f@ck- to the point where my own partner has had to sleep on the floor, because every 2 minutes I'm having to jerk my legs to get some sort of temporary relief like a spaz. Mostly it affects one leg, but the worst nights-its both, it certainly disrupts your sleep, for the life of you, you just cannot nod off. I get so frustrated sometimes that I literally break down crying in  bed, or i get angry and stand up, stomp around profusely and stretch. Mine has increased, whereby i'd get it once or twice a week just before nodding off to sleep, whether that be through lack of exercise or too much exercise (running long distances over 10 miles)... to having it every night. This is partly the reason why I've tried to keep as active as possible during my pregnancy, I think it helps, as a result its not as sever. I have got desperate at times in search of something that will help, but to my utter dismay- nothing has. There is no complete cure and causes as to why certain people get this, they know it is hereditary and may be something linked to lack of dopamine in the brain and nerves, the doctors just give you temporary medication like muscle relaxants. To this end, I haven't even bothered to seek medical attention for it. Purely because, my cousin who had a baby last year said she had it to the same extent as me. She, on the other hand, went to the Dr's and all they did was prescribed some cream that didn't make the slightest of difference. I think i'll save the NHS a little money and just get on with it. After all no cure, no point.

I'm not huge, in my and many peoples opinions. Even my bump measurements have come up 2 to 2 and half weeks behind my gestation (which is of no concern to my midwife, by the way). Don't get me wrong, I look in the mirror and see a whale, my self esteem has taken a great hit, but all it takes is for my little lady to give me a boot or a foot in my ribs to come to the realisation that after all, my body is keeping a tiny human growing and alive inside of me. My apatite has been great, I don't think it has upped massively, my cravings have consisted of spaghetti hoops on toast with grated cheese, chopped tomatoes, melon and carrot sticks, with the occasional chocolate binge and of recent, the need to chew on chewing gum. So again, we have some great healthiness involved. 

Nothing has stopped me from biking it too and from work (around 7 miles- there and back) up until last week (36 weeks) and then this week with the drastic snow fall, I've gritted my teeth and had to get to work on public transport, which has confirmed my hatered for it, I have gained 2 colds in the space of 3 weeks! Ewww, germs! People have moaned, I know all in good faith, concerned about me crashing and risking my baby's life, but I had been cycling like this for just under a year before baby implantation. It has also been a reoccurring topic at my MW appointments and she's always said as long as you're comfortable and you're safe, I cannot see the issue to stop something you did before pregnancy. This is the reality of the life we live in, women are becoming slowly less and less bubble wrapped during pregnancy. Studies and technological advancement has assured this. No longer are we living in 16-17th century when, for example, Queen's were laid to complete bed rest with blacked out windows for the last duration of their pregnancy for fear of miscarriage due to physical exertion (not to mention medical illnesses which have since been discovered and counteracted now). I'm so glad I was born in this generation, I'd have been jailed for being a looney tune by now if I were pregnant in that era!

I may as well just keep off Mrs Viking (my road bike, yes she has a name- how gay am I?) due to my last shift being this Saturday. The only bad experience whilst partaking on my bike commutes would be an occasional bad stitch, but I think that's mainly because I lowered my seat, so in case of an emergency stop, my little legs could reach the ground to avoid loosing my balance, face planting the floor or worse and causing harm to my unborn child. This tactic has worked, I can't even recall a near fall experience. My balance has been put off, to the extent of my heart going "holy shit. That was close" but that occuring was very rare. I think the worst I've had was biking down Broad Lane and a lady in a car decided to be impatient and pull out from the opposite side road onto my side, seeing me completely, due to her lack of timing my inside knee and elbow was early touched her window screen and forced me to nearly mount the kerb on a road bike!! This could of potentially been very dangerous. Safe to say, I made my presence known and screamed and cursed at the top of my lungs. Then she put her foot down and off she went. I always wear a helmet and of course a high viz. No skipping traffic lights, no forcing my way to the front of the traffic if the gap is tiny etc.... Of late, my bike has also been lit up via bike lighting to look like Blackpool illuminations, or seen as though we're in the season- a Christmas tree!!

Since becoming pregnant, I have partaken in the Brum 10km at 5-6 weeks, 3 Wolf Runs- one before I even knew my little seahorse was floating about in there, one at around 9 weeks and one at 22 weeks (which caused a massive hoo-har with a certain granddad to be!) and a Mo Run 5km at 33 weeks! During my second trimester I managed my highest mileage at just over 4 miles. It was hard, not to mention the added weight and pressure down there. You either need to wee constantly for jiggling about or, as I personally noted, i'd get a case of the runners trots and excessive bowl movement which kinda put me off running outdoors after nearly having to take a shit in a park in Tile Hill. After that I have continued to just turtle run on the beloved treadmill, never exceeding 2 miles during my 3rd trimester.

Brum 10km- 1:02:05

I can start with the Wolf Run, yes- I did 2 events knowing full well I was pregnant. Safe to say, this was a breeding ground for certain peoples opinions. The Wolf Run, if you don't know already, is a 10km obstacle course race, through mud and different types of terrain including fields. obstacles, a massive slide, climbing wooden walls that are 7 ft tall and climbing over log structures, going through lakes etc... As always I had my bestest friend Vickie to accompany me, a too be Godmother and practical Aunt to my daughter. There was no way in hell she'd let me go over or through any obstacles that were to cause any significant harm to my child. If anything, she was very overprotective and, at times had to pulled me away and around obstacles that I, myself, deemed safe. Unless you have witnessed or partaken in this event, people automatically assume you have to do all the course- NO! UUUHHURRRR! WRONG! you do not. We walked most of the way in ALL 3 events, as much as I wanted to have a gentle jog at times, I was pulled back by sister from another mister to a brisk walk. But the experience and mud was still splendid, I came back with less bruises than before and felt great caped in mud. I can safely say I will be entering Freya into Mini Mudder when shes old enough to do so and I hope she becomes a little mud monkey like myself. At Septembers event my Dad caught wind and being naturally protective, we had a massive tiff about me doing it. But I know he was just thinking of me and his Granddaughters interests and safety. We have since then, made up and are fine.

Before I Knew I Was Pregnant With Sea Monkey
We Did It- Safely!
That Face Doh
"Why Am I Paying £49 To Do This To Myself?!"
Actually, I Love It Really

The Mo Run 5km was another fantastic event of which I was suppose to do with my half aunt in November of 2015, but I ended up with a big fat DNS next to my name because I could not get that Sunday off work and needed the money too much to call in sick! This event will be remembered, purely due to the fact my own mother attended- but didn't spectate, she actually surprised me entirely and paid entry on the day to run with me and her adopted daughter Lizzy. I was so proud of her, she hadn't ran for 16 years, I didn't think she could with her bad ankles, but lone and behold she did it. Even though I look like a double chinned man in the images below, but I couldn't resist the need to buy the event photo of all three of us sprinting to the finish. This event on the other hand really highlighted the difficulties of running during late pregnancy. Although I did not train following a schedule of any sort, just a kinda adopted an ... I'll run when I wanna attitude- I still made it. I believe my training only seen me run 4 miles over 8 weeks though!! Anyways, race day arrived quite quickly, I'd never ran through Sutton Park before- It was beautiful. The first mile was mostly down hill. After this though, I started to get a dodgy stomach and shooting pulling pain similar to that of a stitch (even though I wore my bump support). As a result, and probably due to lack of training on my part, we decided to walk up the hills and then gentle jog when I felt up to it, and take advantage of running down the hills. We finished it in around 42 mins. But I was not at all concerned with time. I was happy I had completed this race and got my cool moustache medal, not to mention finishing it with the woman I cherish and love most in the world!!

A Better Version Of Charlies Angels If I May Say So Myself ;)
Just For Mothers Smile
Just The Coolest Medal I Have Ever Earned

The week after, I FINALLY graduated with a Bachelor of Art in History  ...

Bump Pose- I Just Had To!
Me All Over Pose

The Most Expensivest Pieces Of Paper I Will Ever Own!

He Was Happy Really

I now sit here, with just under 2 weeks till my due date, on maternity leave, feeling great might I add, but exceeeeeeeedingly bored and impatient... Googling 2018 running events, which have so far included finally doing my Alpha Wolf (4 seasons), Running the Liverpool Half (event paid!), Birmingham 10km as per, Compton Varney Half/ Birmingham Black Country Half (both events on the same day... I still haven't decided which one i'll do yet!), not to mention cycling London to Brighton (54 Miles- Event paid) and maybe (if i gain a ballot place) doing the Ride London Surrey 100 miler. I honestly cannot see myself doing a marathon in 2018 unfortunately, however, if all goes well, I'd like to still have a crack at the Birmingham Half in October. My focus at the moment is looking towards post pregnancy blogs about getting back into fitness and running healthily and 100% correctly. But at this present moment in time, i'm crapping it about pushing a melon out of my lemon for sure, as well as coming to terms with someone other than my partner sticking fingers and hands in and around my foofe area and getting really anxietyish about becoming a......

M-U-M-M-Y to little Miss Freya Pamela McClelland-Worrall!!!

Stay tuned and thanks for reading as always... I really hope you do not feel like you've just wasted 10 minutes of your human exsistence! 

Sunday 18 June 2017

B-I-G Announcement- You Know You Want to Be Nosey!

I came to the conclusion that it has been a while since I last posted. Fear not. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, which I am more than happy to disclose with those wanting to read (till the end or that's just cheating!)

With my Dissertation due, (possibly the most important thing I've ever written in my academic life) -running was deemed 'not a priority'.  Me being me, left my 10,000 word dissertation till the last minute (4 weeks worth of minutes till deadline day to be exact- my bad!) After all, I'd signed my contract for 30 hours at work, so I'd finish work and come straight home every night and sit in front of the laptop till very early hours. Safe to say- it was not pretty. Working during the night to get up the next day and go to work. To keep on doing that tedious cycle for 4 weeks was just utterly depressing. Obviously, I ran the Birmingham 10km, with minimal training, but still I managed to produce a 1:02:05 result. It could of been because the course was changed to be less hilly this year. but I was still proud of the time none the less.

So what's happened since you ask??? Well an awesome Summer Wolf Run- but with this one I had to take extra caution. Here goes- get ready for the instant judgements to flood in. I am currently going on 12 weeks pregnant. Yes, ME, PREGNANT- PANIC AND FREAK OUT!

Lets breathe, and have some time for it to settle in. As I bet you were all thinking you'd just set out to read a boring, but slightly funny race review.

This as a result, leads me into ephasising that this blog post isn't specifically about running, its about my thoughts, feelings and experiences since I found out I'm pregnant.

When I found out, I just could not believe it, so much so that I took 3 tests to confirm- including the last being a digital one. I cried, I screamed. My initial though was - abortion. Now. Book. 

I am not mother material, or maternal in any way, shape or form. I can hardly hold babies without wondering whether I'm doing it right. Or when I do hold them, they cry!!! 

Coming from an only child background, I was stubborn enough to express that I didn't want any kids. Since I've been with Jake though, that has slowly changed. Don't worry- this was not planned, if you haven't guessed already. 

Firstly, my vanity kicked in, I just hit my ideal weight. I was happy with my body and how I looked. I would even go as far as to say I was confident. Running wise, I was getting faster, I was building up muscle on my arms, shoulders and legs. I wanted to run marathons this year, which would potentially follow into a walk/run ultra 'Race to the Stones' in 2018. A gruelling, but awesome 100km trail down to stonehenge. I felt great and optimistic. 

Now I just feel like a couch potato. Eating crappy foods. Being exhausted when I get back from work (apparently it's part of the first trimester. According to some. Energy levels begin to come back slowly thereafter). Which at the moment, I can see some steady progress- but this heat isn't helping. Grossly, not being able to go to the toilet properly is another part of pregnancy. Yuk. 

I still try to go to some of Mum's classes and go swimming. But running at the moment is a no go. I feel so guilty. But I cannot wait to embark on my first run which will quite possibly be sooner rather than later at this point. I've read that you shouldn't just let loose and eat what you feel like or it makes it difficult to lose it after giving birth. Yeah right, I work in a pissing foodcourt, where Maccies, Subway and KFC flutters its greasy, high in calorie and fat eyes at my excessively hungry self constantly. My diet is so bad. But I suppose with my job. I am on my feet, walking round and still biking too and from work 3.5 miles or so. 

I've got a new Garmin Forerunner 235. My heart rate remain normally low and steady and my steps exceed 10,000 per day. Walking/cycling on average 8 miles on work days! I must reiterate that for my first pregnancy though. I've only been sick once after the Wolf Run. But in my opinion that was dodgy chicken from the burger van. Baby don't like that much protein. I only feel disgustingly sick when I'm tremendously hungry. Apart from that, I think I can count myself lucky. If you were to say would I go through it again? at current, I would say no. 

My second thought- I asked myself why I would get an abortion?

In short, it would be financial reasons and conflicting views from family and general society alike. 

Yes, me and Jake are not exactly rich. Yes, we've had our ups and downs, but we've been together for 4 strong years. Yes, he doesn't have a great job (which we hope to change in the coming months) or a fantastically fast BMW. But I can happily say:

1. Hes faithful. 
2. He pays his side of the bills. 
3. I know he's not going to run off and leave me. 
4. He's never been unemployed since the age of 17. So I know for damn sure he'll be financially capable of supporting our child! 

This societal man is so materialistically stereotypical. He loves me and I love him. That is all the man I have ever wished for. Being so minimally feminist also. The breadwinner being prodominantly male is soooo 19th Century. If I were to go all history graduate geek, it would be an ideology enforced named 'separate sphere's', in which the male dominated the woman, financially, politically and socially. He was also the sole breadwinner. Come on. It's the 21st century! Who cares, as long as you both support your financial means, you're all good. 

Next- society and family's conflicting views and complete negativity about my current situation.  (sometimes your biggest critics may I add)

 I didn't just sh@g around and get pregnant, to then go on Jezza Kyle for a DNA test. As I joked many a time (FAMILY MEMBERS-  READ AT YOUR OWN RISK- YOU WILL FIND CRUDE). The only other penis I've sat on is the massive plastic one at the Sex Museum in Amsterdam!! 

I know the family members in particular, who didn't know until now will think:

Nicole, you're too young, You're ruining your life. You can't afford this. What about your education?

Yes I am still classed as young, but am I not an adult? I understand. Not being the oldest in both sides do have a significant issue. But it still remains. I am going on 22 years of age. 

I am not ruining my life. I came to the conclusion long before I knew about this tiny human growing inside me that I did not have the will power or first hand experience to become a teacher right at this second. 

This leads me onto a brief explanation of my future, with regards to education. Instead,  I WILL complete a Masters Degree, part- time at Coventry University studying 'Terrorism, Global Security and International Crime'. With this, I hope to progress into the police in some manner. 

Another reason I wanted to keep this child was because I'd done my degree. I am graduating in November, All be it, very, very pregnantly, but it's happening! If I had not finished it, I would not have even contemplated giving birth to this child. But I am, so anti-abortionists calm your titty lar lars. In this time, I will be young enough to still establish a decent career, even if it takes till our child goes to school. I am in no massive rush. I have done the hard work of earning my degree! 

Money... Money...Money... Money- Apparently according to ABBA, is not funny. Especially in a rich mans world.

On a serious note, yes. It's annoying to say, but it does make the world go round. If you would like to tell me or give me some statistics as to who CAN by fact afford a child, then please do. I know many a people who haven't hardly any money, but you know what? They have a great family support units and their children grew up just fine. Not to mentioned loved. Which I know for a fact we'll have Jake's family and my Mum's- Dad's side I hope to say i'll have yours too. Me and Jake will get by and manage.

As my dad always said, "Go and experience the world before settling down. You're not allowed to get pregnant until you're at least 30!" (Whoops- nearly a decade early). But Dad, this was your dream. Not mine. I am quite content in going to Spain/Greece or somewhere in the UK. I hope to use my love for running to help me experience the world, okay a bit excessive- maybe the rest of Europe. I've never had the sudden urge to go travelling into unknown lands. I'm too much of a home bird for that. My plan from here will be to get a career, get married and just enjoy and take life, as it comes with Jake and our child.

So what I'm trying to express is that, the only thing prompting me to get an abortion was a mixture of current societal views and fear for judgements from other people. I have lived my whole life living by what people would think of me. Take it from me, it makes you miserable and what I've concluded is that you can never truly make everyone happy. So stop trying to do so. Do what you want to do with life. As some people have said to me:

"Nicole, you'll regret an abortion. Yes, having a child will be hard, but its the best thing ever and you most definitely will not regret it."

I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. Many will know, my Nan passed away in 2014. I was so, so close to her. There is no denying that if she was still here, and I told her, she'd have kittens! But the due date of the child will be roughly around the time we lost her. Now, my cousin also gave birth to a beautiful baby around the same time, the Christmas just gone. Now you can't tell me that is just a coincidence. Hell no! I think God's given her the fertility wand and she's accidentally pointed it at her grandchildren. Ha. 

I did giggle, when I went to my scan the other week, I had the most funniest flashback. It was 2013, I was suffering with constant UTI infections. Nan and Vickie had accompanied me to have an ultrasound to see if everything was all in working order and there was no underlying problems. As the Nurse put on the jelly stuff, Nan just comes out with

"Nicole, there better not be a baby in there". 

Well Nan, I have to tell you, there is most definitely a baby in there now, I'll live by your own mothers saying, as I recall you telling me one night in the car after Line Dancing....

 "When I told my mum I was pregnant, all she replied with was... You've made your own bed. Now lie in it."

The scan was just- WOW! I mean you see things like this on TV or whatever, but I have never been so amazed to be a woman. Normally, it's all doom and gloom isn't it girls? Periods and pains, having to pay for fanny rags and tampons, being more susceptible to yest and UTI infections etc... but no, for once I was proud to be a woman. To think that's a human inside me and growing! I am creating human life. With all the organs. That cause the most hassle! I could see its tiny feet and arms, its rapid heartbeat, its head and body. It was utterly breathtaking. No words can describe. I am so glad I had given myself this opportunity and wasn't scared off by possible judgements, fears about my age or money. Tbh, I now feel disgusted for even contemplating an abortion. It just wasn't for me. 

Finally or nearly finally, this goes directly to my paps. I know you probably won't read this. Even as I sit here, I cry at finally plucking up the courage to tell you this Sunday. I've feared this above all, even above my capabilities of becoming a mother to be. I know you'll initially be disappointed, ashamed even- angry. It's inevitable. But you'll come round. It may take a while. I respect that. This is probably the most shock you've had in a loooong time. But just know that I love you (regardless if I get upset with your reaction) and I know you'll make the bestest Grandad ever. I promise to continue to make you proud. I just hope you don't go too off the rails, or blame mum. I look forward to seeing you near the finish of a marathon in 4 years time holding your grandbaby in your arms egging me  not to stop. 

So here I conclude, I am happy that I decided to keep this baby, I love it already so much. Seeing Jake's face light up at the scan was the best feeling ever. Jake you will make a fantastic father to our unborn baby, I have no doubts whatsoever. I just cannot wait till trimester 2, so I can gain back some sort of energy! 

I would like to thank all my colleagues so far for mothering me and helping me do the jobs that I am now restricted to do without any grievances. A special shout out to Maggie and Sue for just being my advice giver and my reminder of how special having a baby is. Basically my newly adopted Nanny's! 

My two bestfriends for checking up on me and assisting me when I need to go places! 

My mum and stepdad for supporting me from the start (and keeping all my baby stuff at theirs). 

My cousin Shannon for giving me so far, the breakdown for everything motherly and babily and not sugar coating things.

My fiance, Jake for just encouraging me in all aspects of life and putting up with all my mood swings. IloveYou. 

I suppose a thank you is in order to all reading this, and if I've caused any offence. I apologise in advance. But I just needed to get this post off my chest. Please only positive comments on my post, any negativity, family or not you will be thus, strictly removed! Just think about what you say to people in general. Not just me. Regardless of the 'sticks and stones' saying, words do hurt (especially when your newly acquired pregnancy hormones are going through the roof). If it hurts me and I stress (I will, because I'm just that emotionally inclined). It will put unnecessary stress on my unborn baby- I do not want this, and I hope you don't want to either! 

Did you think I'd forget. Nope... SAY HI TO OUR (at current) LITTLE LEMON SIZED BAMBINO

Sunday 5 March 2017

Anglesey Half Marathon: Body Numbing Rain, Less Hills (surprisingly) and Looking Cray-Cray Telling Your Legs to "Shut Up"

Well, well, well!

The last post seen me come back with a bang from stupidly stepping on a sewing needle! Ha. (Which is all scarred over now- yey!) 

In short, 3 Sunday's before race day, I went on a long 9 miler. I absolutely loved it and I was exceedingly proud of my time due to being a work all day. The next morning I felt I niggle- a niggle in the bum to be completely honest with you! I was gutted... As well as that, I gained the cold and flu virus after my January exams, going into semster 2. 

After Google doctoring and self diagnosing, I came to the conclusion that I'd pulled or over extended at the hip causing the pain in my glute on the right hand side. I had a spin class on the Monday, which didn't do much damage. I didn't feel it until after Tuesday and gave it a slight rest (*cough* attended mums tone class). Wednesday, I decided to go to running club (yes, I am now officially a member of Northbrook AC!). The session was hill reps! Joys- my fave -_- .  I also decided to run commute 2 miles there and back. A mile into the commute, it became apparent it wasn't fully healed. The pain running downhill was indescribable. I should have just turned back and left running with Northbrook until the next week. But it's me, honestly, that was not going to be an option in Snailtastic Coley's book! Surprisingly, going uphill was fine. It was just going down that near brought a tear to my eye. But I did it and then shuffled moped home- painfully, with my bottom lip scraping the floor, soaking wet too.

Thursday, I attended Spin again and Step and Tone. Spin was fine but Step was a struggle- again, I shouldn't have really participated. But i bloody did it anyway (when will I learn ey'). The weekend seen me working and rubbing deep heat into my right arse cheek and smelling increasingly of eucalyptus oil- always fun, like. I was also crying to my mum on the Friday in total agony and in compete disarray.

I rang the doctors to try and get something stronger for the pain. But lone and behold, unless you're truly dying. You WILL wait a minimum of 2 weeks to be seen. I said to the receptionist. "There's no point. It'll more than likely be better by then. I'll just suck it up deal with it". Absolutely useless my doctors are! Frustrates me. 

So from then, I was popping paracetamol and ibuprofen until the following Wednesday. After having to miss my 10mile run due to this pain in the arse injury, I began to get really anxious about my upcoming half marathon. The train tickets had been booked for me and Jake (who couldn't get the dates off work anyway!). The outlook wasn't looking great, it was going to be a possible Did Not Finish. But it's me again after all. (I hope to never hold the title of a Did Not Start in my snailtastic career.) 

I laid off running for a week and up until the day of my half, I didn't run any longer than that 9 mile distance for fear of causing anymore harm. I attended running club on the Wednesday night and to my utter dismay fell off a pavement- a fecking pavement (I began to start thinking that running was giving me some sort of evil hint to steer clear for while). I fell off the pavement because of a husky dog being problematic for its owners on the path. Like ouch. Fell onto my ankle, which gave a slight wince of pain. Never fear, I still managed to continue running with the group. But I took it easy. There was slight pain in my ankle. But to my surprise- nothing more came of it. 

Overtime for Wednesday and Thursday and Friday from work! It seen me being extremely lazy. Friday, I did a steady 4 miles on the treadmill. Saturday night I had a brilliant night out in Rugby for a best friends birthday, but it came at a consequence. I was feeling rough, having not come home till 5am and being up for work and in for 10am. Hadn't  even been a month, and I'd gained another cold virus! Sore throat you name it. Poorly chest. A week before race day- could my illnesses and injuries just give me a break. Like, seriously? Missed another long run. 

Monday, nothing but uni 4-6pm. No Spin class unfortunately either. Tuesday missed mums 10:30am tone, but I went to Zumba. Wednesday a steady 200m and 400m threshold run reps on Butchers lane with running club. Thursday, I attended Spin and Step and Tone, which just about killed me off. My chest was so painful, proved by my heart rate being sky high, my snot was green and yellow too. I was really getting concerned. However, my butt was fully healed and I found out I was successfully in for my 3rd consecutive year of gaining a place for Two Castles 10km! Which has begrudgingly gone to a ballot this year due to high demand and fairness rulings. 

Friday 7:42am train to Crewe. Then from Crewe to Holyhead, where I met my Nanny Bunny. No extreme coughing or shivers. But when I did cough the mucus was thick. It's been piddling it down up here since I arrived. Typical of Wales at this time of year really. Did not think of that when I registered to run the half marathon did I? Aha. 

Now for the juicy bit. Sunday morning, 5th March 6:15am RACE DAYYYYYY. I'm feeling ready to rumble. My aunty and I set off at 7:35am and got there for 25 past 8, the race was due to start promtly at 9am. Again horrific rainy conditions. If I hadn't gained pneumonia now. I sure as hell will be of high risk after running this!  

My typical dodgy stomach made its apparence and after that, 9:50am came and went rather quickly. By this point, my aunty left to walk back up and over Menai bridge to spectate. 

I toddled off to the 2:30 starting pen, constantly having to use my fingers as winder screen wipers because I got up late and couldn't find my contact lenses thus I was running in my glasses. 

No gun, just a count down for the official start. 

Mile 1: Over the bridge and the turning back to come under the bridge was congested as hell, resulting in me gaining a depressing 10:03min/mile. Everyone was so close knit, due to the road being so narrow. I didn't like this. But I suppose I was thinking it for the best due to my chest. There was no need for me to go speeding off and burning myself out. I was aiming for a max 2:30 finish. 2:20 minimum. 

Mile 2: Everyone was kind of finding their paces and opening up a bit. This also meant that I was gaining my own momentum and felt at ease. No major inclines either. I was pleasently surprised. I was running a half marathon in Wales- without any hills. Surely there is some sort catch, no? Mile 2 was a 9:38min/mile. Every 5 minutes I was wiping my glasses with my fingers in a hope to be able to see a little bit more infront of me, my nose was drizzling snot too. Yucky. 

5km: Took me just over 30 minutes. I was well on the way to believing I could be in with a chance of a  2:30 finish. No major inclines once again. But due to the coast road it was fairly secluded. 

Now mile 5: half way into this I started to gain a massive stitch. I got on with it. Tried my infamous breathing out on the side as the opposite foot strikes. Normally does the job. But here I hit the first true incline. My legs and chest were already taking a beating and the rain was still heavy as ever. I thought, that's it- I'm a goner. The routes just going to get worse. I can't do it. Wahhhh. At this point, the faster runners were already dashing back up to the bridge to finish probably 11 miles I'm already which thus means I passed the winner male. Who came in at 1:12mins!!!!! Lots of spectator in Beaumaris. 

Mile 6-7 were particularly hard. A SIS gel had to be taken. I'd say this was the biggest of the inclines throughout the whole course. So steep. But I ran through it. Occasionally closing my eyes and pretending it wasn't under my feet. This seems to work for me. However, make sure you have some space between you and the other person infront. You do not want a collision. Again, another secluded mile. Hardly any spectators. 

Mile 8-9: Lovely views! The most picturesque half I've every done may I add. Just a shame of the weather. Here, I was flagging. It was to be expected. But I was still in a state of shock at how flat this course actually was. 

Mile 10: My aunty and cousin were waiting for me. How blessed I was to see them. They got me through the remainder of my half. My aunty videoed me too and I had the most delayed of reactions when my cousin was shouting. I was like who the hell is that?  Then I started waving frantically. I was soaked to the brim. I hadn't been able to feel my thighs from mile 2, and my shorts were riding up my jacksie, like my arse and thunder thighs were eating my shorts causing me to occasionally jump in the air mid stride to pull them down. Not the most flattering of things I've had to do in my life. 

Mile 11: Hard, hard, hard. Another hill but it was over a longer distance. As much as I dislike doing hill training. It must have been a God send in disguise. My legs were crying at me to give up. Many had given into the hill and proceeded to a walk. But not me. I wasn't going to stop now. Not with 2.10 miles to go. Here, another God send. High 5 gels. Ahh heaven. I gulped to my hearts content, hoping it would like give me a little buzz. At this point. After the hill, I synchronised my pace with a gentleman, his silence, determination and consistent pace kept me going. I lost him after that mile. Shame it was. 

Mile 12: That High 5 gel must of semi digested, because I initiated Duracell bunny mode. Jai 
Ho! Came in in my ears which made me think of my Nanny-noo, who absolutely loved dancing to this in mums Zumba classes. I felt on top of the moon and realised, looking at my watch that I was in PB territory. I was so close. I was gritting my teeth, speaking words of encouragement to myself too along the way. I then stumble upon a very tall man, a member of Warrington Triathletes if I remember correctly, whom I herd shouting at 12.60 miles. "Shut up legs, you're nearly there". I laughed and we both screaming it out together. This made me chuckle. 

Mile 13: I gained, probably my fasted spilt during a half at 8:52! Which I thought was pretty good for me. Not having ran this distance since October in the Brum Half. 

0.10 left to go. I kicked up my road running beep beep phase! Gaining a 7:57 split for that 0.10. Over the line I sprinted. 

I knew I did good. I grabbed an orange, seen my aunty and cousin at the finish with my medal and then got changed in the Port-a-loo. I couldn't feel my hands and nearly fell in the loo causing it to rock and nearly fall over because I was that damp, and couldn't put my legs in my dry trousers. Then I looked at my unofficial time on Mr TomTom... 

My Half Marathon PB time stood at 2:11:16, I gained this almost a year to the date at my hometown Half in Coventry. 

In the Anglesey Half Marathon, I gained an astounding time of 2:05:37!!!!! A new PB had been aquired. Not only did I come to the race feeling shitty overall with having gained 2 colds in under a month, but I had battled an injury and ran no further than 9miles in training. Even if this course was probably the second/third flattest I'd encountered out of my now, 9 halfs marathons, It was done- just like that. I felt fit and endorphin rush crazy. Again, a tear came out of my eyes due to the achievement I had just gained. Ironically, this weekend, my cousin said, "I don't know how you can like running as a hobby" This Is why i love it. It will surprise you even when you're in doubt of yourself as a whole, all you have to do is lace up and go. You have no contract, no full commitment only you can decide. 

Monday 23 January 2017

"Guess Who's back, Back Again, Coleys's Back. Read My... Post..."

***Grim photo at the end***

How long has it been since i blessed you with one of my posts? Last post seen me with a recently extracted sewing needle and 5 stitches in the ball of my foot, no?

Well, i can safely say that i'm back and will not be sewing- EVER AGAIN!!! 

When i got my stitches out, the nurse pulled the wound apart and it was only then that we discovered how far the A&E doc dug to get it out. It was pretty grimmmmm. As a direct result, infection became inevitable. Back to the hospital i went, and this time i came out with crutches. (the most awkward, and not to mention tiring pieces of equipment I've ever used in my life!). All in all i had a 4 weekends off work, lost my Christmas bonus and couldn't run, or go anywhere for that matter- for 5 weeks. Me, being a particularly active person, this was like a prison sentence.

All in all, i had a good enough Christmas, but as always dreaded my Nan's death anniversary on Christmas eve. This was the day i desperately wanted to run, so i could just try and run out the grief and upsetting waves of emotions. 

With that, i knew that i'd lost my running mojo and a lot of running fitness overall. I'd had a lot of time to weight up the pros and cons of continuing to train and run the Manchester Marathon in April. The cons outweighed the pros to my dismay. I'd lost 4 weeks pay and had yet to pay for the £200+ hotel at Trafford Hall, as well as the train tickets for both me and Jake to travel up there. I could have put it on my overdraft and just winging the race, but i though to myself. It's a fast course and i wanted it to be PB perfection. There was no way i could get myself up to that standard. All of this happened when i hit a low point in my recovery and gained the infection in the wound. I sold my place to local AC Northbrooker and i wish her luck in her 1st Marathon!

My first training run consisted of a 1 mile 14 run on the 29th December. I kept it stumme because of external factors and the fact my foot was still open and i was still on antibiotics. I was going insane- it just had to be done I'm afraid. We as runners always seem to go against the Doctors orders with injuries. We are a stubborn bunch! Anyway, this run was so difficult. I've experienced having time off running prior yeah, but i was mobile and able to walk about; still do my daily routine without excruciating pain. But because i'd been refined to limited mobility, on crutches and basically not being able to leave my house, it was only natural that the first run was going to be a difficult one. I took this on board as i left. i felt like i was running, but not gaining much ground. I got back, panting like i'd smoked 100 a day, but my oh my. My endorphin rush was incredible. I felt like i'd just completed a half marathon! I clocked in at 11:32 for the whole 1 mile 14. Which wasn't bad, then i thought. Yeah right could you do that pace for another 2 or three of those? Absolutely f-ing not. 

My next run was New Years Eve. 2 miles recorded. Mile 1- 8:50 pace, but it was mostly downhill. Second mile- 10:01. A little incline 368ft to 407ft. I was dying, my lack of fitness protruded due to my heart rate reading an average of 180 p/m, when before on December, with one of my fastest first 2 miles, i averaged out at 164 beats p/m! Mad Times!

I attended my mums Spin class on the Monday, which i found particularly difficult. It was absolutely packed of New Year, New Me's. The 0 windows in the studio did not help my unfit self. But fear not... i still peddled my heart out! 

The next day i went on the same 2 miler as the above and came out with a time of 18:18. Which was about 45 seconds faster than the above. I still felt blurr, but i knew that i was easing myself back steadily. 

Saturday the 7th i took on my first gym sesh. 1 hour and 30 minutes of pure isolation and weight work. No cardio. I also learnt how to deadlift! 

Sunday- another 2 miler at the same time as the above- so strange. 

Monday spin class, less peoples. i was getting back into some sense of normality. 

Friday 13th, what a day to decide to go out and have a run. I decided i'd ran enough 2 milers to be able to up the mileage. I took on my first 5km since my foot. Nice downhill on the first mile. Clocking in at a lovely 8:17 min mile. Second mile- 9:47, and the third 9:26. Not too shabby really. But the total accent was only 105ft. But i produced a sound 28:23 5km. Considering my fastest on my TomTom is 28:10, i was impressed. 

On the Monday, I'd left my bike at work (I was so glad to be back to work also!), so i decided to run commute to the Village Hotel. I ran 1.54 miles in 13:47, done my class for an hour and then ran back (this was one pretty relaxed and laid back, due to my energy levels feeling quite depleted). This one measured up at 1.63 miles. So a 3.09 mile run which fitted nicely with my half marathon training for the Anglesey Half in March. (which i nearly died when i checked how many weeks away i was from it). 

With my exams taking priority, i left my next training session after i'd sat my last one, because i was revising every minute of every waking hour. Friday 20th, i ran another 5km. My legs just would not go. It was like the Road Runner cartoon when he rotates his legs before abruptly shooting off. But all that negativity, paradoxically produced a 28:11 result. 1 second off my PB. 

Saturday, i trained after finishing work at 7:30pm. I did a 2 mile fartlek session at speed 10 for one minute and then, i was kind to myself. Provided this was my first speed session of the year and resisted to a recovery of 45 seconds at speed 8! After this, i did some isolation and weight work. 

Sunday, i had a 7 and a half hour shift at work and was dreading my first long run of my training schedule. My legs and booty were in a state of absolute fatigue. So, when i cycled home i commanded myself not to sit down, get ready straight away and just get it over and done with. I'd made up a new running route too! I produced a healthy 48:53 5 miler and was left thinking how i'd preformed if id have had one or two days rest! Like, no jokes, my legs and bum were burning with each stride, but like i say with recovery, i can most definitely bring that time down a notch... maybe 48:00. 

Aye, i'm finally up to date with my blog again! Today, Monday. I got to make the Spin Class playlist. I was left on a high due to all the positive feed back from the members and contemplating that if my future of being a History teacher doesn't work out, i'd just do my fitness instructor level 2 and 3 and follow in my mothers footsteps. I'm actually so gutted. You have to hold the above before you can be certified in instructing a indoor cycling class... Bro, i don't mean to blow my own trumpet, but i have been spinning since the age of 13. That's nearly a decade of experience right there! And in addition, i have been around the fitness environment since the age of like 6. 

The above was all due to my beautiful mother, my love of fitness has spanned from her. I thank her so much for this, as i know many that hate physical activity. You may have a qualified mini me in the making! 

My Running calendar (up to date) goes as follows:

  • Anglesey Half- March 5th
  • Solihull Half- April 2nd
  • Wolf Run- April 8th 
  • Great Birmingham 10km- 30th April 
  • (A possible) Two Castes which they've changed to ballot entry- 11th June
  • Birmingham Black Country Half- July 1st 
  • Kenilworth Half- 3rd September
  • Birmingham International Marathon- 15th October
I am wanting to find an event in May and also gain my Alpha Wolf Running status too this year. But we shall see.

As always, i thank you for reading my blog and hope you have a good week. My next post will be just before the Anglesey and then obviously a review write up of my experience running it!