Monday 23 April 2018

Hagley Hall Resolution 10km- Nasty Inclines... Karma For MK? My First Timed Off Roader

Okay, so we actually participated in this run and what a hard run it was. I honestly didn’t know what we were in for. At a fee of £15, this back in 2015 was my first ever 5km race, however it was in the Warwick Castle grounds. When I looked again, I noted that the Hagley Hall was the closest one. I suspect Stroke Association did not have the funds to warrent the closure of the grounds for a morning, or they didn’t gain approval. Which is such a shame, as I love Warwick Castle. 

As I sit here, I am now half wayish through my 8 week come back half training taking place in Liverpool on May 20th. Am I happy with training, but then again I know it’ll probably be my second worst time out of all my half’s. But as I’ve said. I just want to complete the bloody thing (and go to visit Liverpool). My next long run sees me complete 8 miles with any luck. The plan only goes to 10! So far training is going well. I’ve stuck to it bar missing 1 run completely and cheekily missing 0.8 miles because I classed this race as a training run and I think it was the maximum effort I’d put into a 7 miler. 

I stayed at home in Tamworth instead of coming to Coventry and luckily enough the start time was 11am. Meaning it wouldn’t be an early get up. Lizzy came to me and off we went. We didn’t get lost once on the way. Which is really good for us. Stopping off at the petrol station seen Lizzy eating a full blown croissant and me a little bit larger than normal packet of malteasers. We arrived and the mansion were absolutely stunning!  Everyone was also wearing the purple stroke top which was so cool to look at. All these people united against the fight for more research to help prevent or treat strokes. The 15k went off first which seen them do 3 laps, the 10k 2 and the 5k 1. 

Before we knew it, we congregated to the start and off we went. The first bit was down hill to the left. Then through a gate, to follow a little pond which were gravelled paths. This was the first incline of the day. By this point we were only half a mile in and my legs were burning, my heart rate erratic and my breathing was terrible. I kept think. Push through the first mile. Come on Coley. I ran the first 0.75miles before the course literally broke me to a walk. Again, on gravel we headed into the wooded areas. More hills again! And I mean steep. Within the first 14 minutes we gained just over 200ft. 

By 21 minutes we had plumited to the maximum decline, man it felt so good and natural. I felt so much more free than being on road! Before we knew it, another massive climb was in front of us. I was not alone in walking. Many had be beaten by the inclines of the course. 

Again, another climb of over 200ft just as we were gaining momentum. Me and Lizzy were nearly crying for the sight of it. I wanted to take a picture. But I forgot. I was just concentrating on my breathing. Even at a walking pace I was struggling. I think other than after 18 mile during the Hull marathon. This was the most I’d ever walked during an event! 

We completed the first lap of 5km in 40minutes. But it was nice to learn the the last 0.7 mile of the course was a lovely downhill to the finish. As the 5k’ers crossed the line, they must have been secretly happy that they didn’t have to endure another lap or two. I suspect there were a few people on the 10-15k events that dropped their distances without a doubt. I remember saying to Lizzy. I feel for those who done this as their first race. I think it would put me off running for life it it was mine. The terrain was tough. I mean, I don’t really run the Wolf Run. Its not a timed event after all. I pay £55 per race, I don’t care if I take 4 hours to complete it. It’s not competitive. I do it with my friend who doesn’t really run much and only does it because i blackmailed her into it for the first time in 2015, now she absolutely loves it. So much so she completed her 4 seasons to gain her Alpha Wolf status the year just gone. It’s the highlight of our year together! 

This event showed me just how different hitting the trail was when all you’ve ever done is road running. It takes a lot more out of you, it’s also more brutally demanding but offeres so much more versatility and you can truly appreciate nature at its finest. The air just seemed purer, and like I’ve just said you feel more of a sense of freedom. 

The second lap. We knew what we were in for this time. I did walk a lot more. We kept trying to run the downhills and the flats. It was really funny actually. When we ran, we overtook this gentleman. Then when we walked, his massive stride overtook us to the point he said “keep going girls. Because you’re keeping me going with this little yo-yo pacing!” Aha. The first incline seemed harder. But my lungs seemed to have settled into the motion. The weather was really humid when we got to the woods. I was sweating and I felt a little light headed for about 3 minutes. Me and Lizzy at one point started singing cereal advert songs like coco pops and Frosties hahaha. Then breaking into duets half way to the finish. When we passed one of the marshalls we associated them with omg it’s all downhill from here and it was bliss. One of the declines where the photographer was, nearly seen me tumble because I was running so fast and it was quite steep. Just after this. Lizzy decided it was a great idea to roll her ankle and yelped. But continued to run because we knew we didn’t have long to go. 

Oo and when we reached the highest peak we looked down to the field representing the last kilometres and about 20 wild deer pegged it right onto the course. But luckily they didn’t stop and headed into another wooded area. That was incredible to watch. Wouldn’t see that on a road race now would you?

We reached the water station which meant we were a couple of yards from the finish. I ran so fast. A sprint finish and according to my Garmin it ended with a 5:50min/mile for a split second before I stopped my watch with the marshal having to literally put her hands in front of me to stop me to give me my medal . We did it. We lined up to gain our finishing time ticket from the chip timing company and we started at the same time and finished at exactly the same time! Now that’s what you call a running buddy for life. Our finish time was 1:23:40. Lizzy finished 5th in her age category! I finished 23rd and we didn’t come last! Yey. 

So that was the toughest 10k I’ve ever done. Me and Lizzy both joked that this was Karma for MK just over a month ago. But it gives me great optimism that I will be able to finish the Birmingham 10km in 2 weeks time. So with that peace out. Until then! 

Sunday 22 April 2018

Milton Keynes Running Festival 5km- What’s a White Lie If There Isn’t One?!

Omg, omg, omg. My first running event post pregnancy... or so I thought....

5 and a half weeks post birth (before drs orders as I didn’t have my post natal till 9 weeks!). I laced up for he first time since 11/12/18 and that was only a puny 1 miler on a treadmill! 

31/01/18... I was so happy... I was getting itchy feet so bad. Everyone was doing RED January and I was so jealous. I just couldn’t wait for the me time to come back, to get my heart racing. Back to the sport I love. 

As they always say, the first run back after a long time out is a difficult one and the first mile is the devil in disguise. I planned my route before, due to now living in Tamworth and off I went. It was difficult. I’m not going to lie. First mile came in at 12:10. My first incline was an utter destaster. I knew I was running, but it was like I was in a time warp; not moving anywhere. I had to walk. I knew this was bound to happen. But me a couple of years ago would be so disheartened. But this time, I was just glad I was out, doing what I love the most and taking in the scenery. I don’t know who has had a baby and then just goes out and runs 5km for their first run back. What a looney tune I am. It was never planned it, but I just didn’t want it to end. The realisation that I would go back to a screaming newborn was in the back of my head. I thought... The more endorphins I released. The more patience I would possess. It worked. Let me tell you that! 

After doing this. I thought hell, I fancy getting some bling on the go to start my new season of running without a bump! So I signed me and my friend Lizzy up to the MK5K. Milton Keynes, my cousin lives there. It’s not to far, with a fair entry price to. What did I have to lose? 

Race day came round very fast. I recorded 30 running miles for February. Running no less than 5ks. My times improving ever so slightly and my lungs conforming to the pressure and consistency. However... I only clocked up 9.8 miles in March, with my first run back being the 21st. I had taken a month off. Back to square one again. Sad face. I’ll never forget what my father in law said as I came back from a sweaty run, claiming that I hope to be as fast as I once was. He said, “Nicole. For Christ sake. Your body has been through a lot, it’s birthed you beautiful daughter. It’s utterly incredible. You’ll get faster again in time”. Nice words. Nice words. 

From the 21st February, I gained the flu. Really badly. I was KO’d for at least a week and half. It was horrific. Just as I thought I was feeling better. BAM. I felt crappy again. But the MK5K was 11th March you say, how did you not run till 21st?... but you put a race photo up with a medal. Huh? 

And here we go, these are my confessions. *Breaks into the Usher song:
Just when I thought I said all I could say
My chick on the side said she got one on the way
These are my confessions. * No Coley. Concentrate. Right sorry. 

Race morning came. I woke up and stayed awake with my daughter from 3am. I was dressed and rearing to go. If I could go out after 5 and half weeks after giving birth and complete a 5km in a reasonably good time, then what makes it any different if I had again, not ran for a period of time... hell yeah. I got this, well kinda . Let’s wing it. 

Lizzy came. I kissed my daughter goodbye and we were on the road. The run was due to start at 9:30 I believe... we left at 8:50 due to me having some pre race digestion issues . Me and Lizzy really underestimated the time it would take to get to Milton Keynes. The sat nav was even saying we’d arrive at 9:15. So we were cutting it really fine. We arrived at 9:20! Due to some congested traffic. As we pulled in after looking for a parking place. I was like. “Lizzy, my stomach hurts so much.”. Ie... the runners trots were back with a vengeance. After announcing that I was gonna have to have to have a poo at the front of lizzys car.  The car parking attendant let me use his porta loo( trust me you lose all dignity after giving birth. You do not care!) But I literally had to say, “I’m actually about to poo myself, mate” for him to swiftly unlock the door and say “ do you need any wet wipes!” Hahahaha. Good man. We’d drove out of our parking spot. Because I literally couldn’t walk, I was in so much pain. 

After I relived myself, we got back into the car. It was now officially our race time. As Lizzy pulled into a spot. She clipped a woman’s car with her windmirror and it just so happen said owner of the car was casually sitting in the drivers seat. Holy shit. Busteddddddd. 

She got out. Lizzy was so apologetic. “I wouldn’t mind” she said, “but the cars only 3 days old!” double shit. 

On another note, could this have happened at a more inconvenient time! Hahaha. After details exchanged. Said woman realised that she was parked over two spots, so then quickly thought ahhh maybe I was in the wrong and said, “don’t worry about it Lizzy. I’m sure it will buff out!”
Ha. Win, win! And thank God for people who cannot park correctly. 

After this, we ran down. Not being able to find the start. I’m not going to lie to you the start was at least a mile away from the race village. I was knackered before we got there. By this time runners for the half were making their way down. 

We asked this gent. Literally right before they set the half people off. “Mate, can we go with these. We’re really late. But we still want to run.” “No sorry guys. The timing mat only operates for the 5km at that specific time. 

Extra sad face... bottom lip worthy. So me and Lizzy walked the mile back, joking about everything that could of went wrong which did. Then... we thought. Well we’ve made the journey. We’ll go watch the finish line for a bit. Or try slip in towards the end and run a little. We payed the money to run. So. Yolo. We walked past the finishing mat ever so slightly and then the present over the tannoy shouted “Well Done to Nicole McClelland on completing the race!” 

What the actually Fuuuuuuu? 

Me and Lizzy were in stitches. To the point, I seen the marshalls giving out the medals and went up to them like, “I’m so sorry. We ran across the line and were that elated to finish, we ran straight past and forgot our medals”. What made it worse is that we actually approached a vulnerable 10 year old in doing so to explain this. 

We were quickly given our race medal. Me and Lizzy still in hysterics. Well that was the easiest run I’ve never had to do before! I even got me bling and it was very nice bling too infact. Me and Lizzy further proceeded to take a ‘post race’ selfie and went along with the fact we actually did run this event. However, I did look at my chip time for bare bantz and unfortunately it was empty. Therefore, we didn’t quite fool the chip time company! 

So there you have it. A little white lie told. I was completely gutted that I couldn’t race this, as it actually looked really well organised and full of support. Maybe next year MK! Me and Lizzy vowed from that moment on to actually leave a little bit earlier than we planned because both of us are crap with time. Ooo and we also lost the car parking ticket upon leaving too. Feeeer fuuuey sake. We’re useless.